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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bar Muscle What!?

I tend to dream about my goals...

Lately they've been having to do with Crossfit.

In my dreams I accomplish my goals with ease, and no struggle what so ever.

Obviously real life is never that easy or we would never have goals to work towards or things to get better at.

As my previous post listed I have a couple goals I wanted to check off my list before I hit my year mark with Inferno...

Well today was a GLORIOUS day!

It started off by waking up at 530am.... On a Saturday.... WIDE awake.

I let the cat out.. adjusted the pillows to surf my ipad.. My typical morning when preparing to either a) go to the gym or b) go to work.

I left the house extra early today due to the Pioneer Day Parade going on in the lovely town of El Paso de Robles (it's a day where people dress up as pioneers and ride tractors around downtown.. just to sum it up for you) and I didn't want to have to deal with traffic. Since I was early I took a stroll and grabbed a lovely Almond Milk Cappuccino and a tasty Paleo treat from Cloud 9 Coffee.

Saturday mornings are the days that I take a mobility class; tend to areas that are sore and tight, and for me I focus on my hips and shoulders since I'm FREAKISHLY double jointed (apparently not ALL humans can create angel wings with their shoulder blades... just found that out a couple years ago). Afterwards my husband, Chris, and I were going to head to the parade and finish watching the last of the parade come through. Well selective hearing got the best of him, and by the time he headed to the box to meet me the parade had to be over. I wanted to do "Sally Up" to front squats (I'm working on getting legs like Miranda Oldroyd haha) so I hung around for a bit and waited until my coaches, Bill and Danica, along with another Infernite were done doing the WOD.

The second part of the WOD for today was max bar muscle ups... One of my goals I'm working on to accomplish before I hit my year anniversary.

Today was the day I would again attempt bar muscle ups without the band!

First time.... Fail.

Second time.... Danica assisted (no pun intended) me.

Third time..... Well just watch the video :)

Bar Muscle Up..... Check!

I am on a freaking high from this... so of course I wanted to attempt ring muscle ups. After a few ugly attempts, and a freakishly weird fall this is the closest I got.

Today was a reminder for me, that no matter how high I set my goals I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Hard work and determination paid off!

Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Goal update: I WILL get 1 muscle up by the end of this week. :)

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