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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Beach Bash Competition

I competed in my second Crossfit Competition yesterday; Crossfit Inferno's 2nd Annual Beach Bash!

I had an AMAZING time, competing against some strong women in my division and getting to hang out and cheer on friends/teammates!

I finished in 7th place which I'm pretty stoked about!

I gave each event everything I had, and left it all out there.. I felt like all the hard work I put into my training really showed.

My favorite event of the day was, "Sand Stones". You had to get as many reps as possible of stone over shoulder in 1 min after doing a 60m sprint. I was able to get 1 rep of the 95# atlas stone, which was a lot heavier than I thought! And I'm pretty sure I was the only female yelling each time the weight got heavier! Haha here's a video my sister shot..

In order to prepare myself for this competition, I did each WOD's a total of 3 times... Just kidding! I didn't do ANY of them. I had never even done SUP boarding until the morning of; which is a BLAST!

During my warm up time before the comp I decided to test out the "wobble stick" and 1 rep of the thrusters I banged my nose. Thankfully today, I do not have any black eyes.. just a bruised nose and pride ;)

This was one of the BEST competitions ever and I'm not just saying that because my Inferno fam put it on. So much thought went into this to make it a great event. I love how Bill and Danica challenged every one of us with each event, taking us out of our comfort zones and making us get comfortable with the uncomfortable. Thank you guys!

Thank you to everyone; family, friends, judges for all your encouraging words as I faced each event! I could hear everyone of you which helped me push myself to keep going!

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