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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Trying Something New

With not one, but two competitions coming up I thought I would step up my game in my pre and post supplements.

I made my first ATP Mechanix purchase and cannot wait to see some results! 

ATP worked together with some of Crossfit Inferno's athletes to develop a better line of nutritional supplements geared towards Crossfitters with their main goal to optimize athletic performance in an all natural way. 

Many of the current performance enhancing products boost energy artificially, pushing a single higher level performance. In order to accomplish this result, the products/supplements use harsh stimulants to force the body into higher output. Potentially, this causes your body to increase the release of adrenal hormones as it engages in the fight or flight response which taxes your nervous system and depletes your body's natural vitality. 

After analyzing the athletes before, during, and after each workout session ATP developed a product line to boost both immediate performance needs, and to support the body as a whole. All while keeping their products clean and in the purest form that would not include sugars or artificial flavors. YES! It's Paleo friendly! :)

In the coming weeks I will report back how my performance, and recovery has been :) 

In the meantime check them out at:

Thanks for reading! 


Friday, September 27, 2013

Uh.. I should do this more often!


I decided awhile back.. Oh I'm going to start a BLOG!

Then what do you know...... I make one post.


Alright so I'm here to say, I'm back and WILL make a point to write. It might not be everyday, but at least ONCE a week. 

The thing I wanted to write about today is how amazing it is when I have people message/email/text me asking me about Crossfit, my eating lifestyle and tell me how inspiring I am! Hearing that makes me beyond the happiest person in the world! I LOVE inspiring others and motivating others to achieve levels of fitness that they've never been to! Don't hesitate to ask, and don't feel silly! The only silly question is one that is not asked, I think. If I don't know the answer, I will certainly find out for you! :)

Since I've last posted I had my first Crossfit competition which I placed 15th, and I have two more coming up: Crossfit Inferno's Beach Bash and Battle of the Boxes (my first team comp)! I'm super excited and have been training even harder!

Currently I started yet another paleo challenge: Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. I'm finishing up week two and feeling GREAT! I've also been taking the Lurong Living Essentials. I haven't felt any different yet, but I have heard it takes 3-4 weeks to notice a difference. 

For those that stuck around and read this.. THANK YOU! :) :)
